Sunday 22 January 2012

My Relationship History

How on earth did you end up on a dating marathon?!

I have tried to avoid talking about my exes. It's a private subject and I haven't felt much like discussing it on the internet! But several people have asked me how I ended up on a 'dating marathon'. People assume that I must have a horrific dating past with a string of sad relationships behind me. It's not quite as dramatic as that! My relationship history is pretty average. 

The Relationship Hopper

I went from the age of 15 to 23 in a relationship. There was more than one relationship but there was very little gap in between them. This left me with a longing desire to experience the single life and to make decisions by myself without feeling obliged to accommodate a partner. So when I became single I enjoyed the feeling of freedom very much, and because of this I was completely closed off to the dating again. 

So how long have I been single?

Over a year of being single has passed, and people have stopped accepting the excuse that I just want to be by myself for a while. As well-meaning friends do, my friends have tried to set me up. At first I resisted, but then on a flight back to the UK after a really fun and varied holiday, my friend told me to just let it happen. 

After all the fun I'd had on holiday, I was dreading going back to my 9 to 5 job. So when Sneha dared me to let all my best friends set me up on a date and then write about my experiences, I snapped up the chance to do something out of the ordinary. It seemed like a fun social experiment.

So why are you still so reluctant to commit or are you just picky?

I think it is highly likely that one day in the future I will have a long term relationship again. I also can't imagine being old and not having any children. 

Obviously there are lots of perks to having someone to share your life with and to love. However, the time that I have spent being single has been significantly more fun and happier than the time that I spent in a relationship. That's not because I was miserable in both relationships (just one), it's actually that I am pretty happy with the status quo. Of course lots of people my age are settled with someone and happier for it. But several people that I see in their 20s and in a relationship, particularly those already in living with their partners, seem a bit boring. There behaviour and priorities seem weighed down with the burdens and complacency of married couples with children. Don't you have your 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, & 80s (and even more if you're lucky) to be living the settled life? This makes me reluctant to commit at 20-something! 

On the other hand, I love a flirt. & I'm not uninterested in having a partner as long as it's casual in the sense that it's fun, there aren't too high expectations of longevity, and it adds something to my life rather than weighs me down. 

I don't think that I am picky. It's not that I don't like people. I've actually stayed friends with most of my dates. But I just can't fake being into someone romantically when I am not. 

Click the links below to read about my dating marathon :

Best places to go on a date - London


  1. HAHA the title scared me at first Kelyn. Scared and intrigued!

  2. Haha I Love the way you.skirted around the subject and didn't actually talk about your past relationships kelyn. Great post though!

    1. I really need to hyperlink!! Hahaha waxy pear. Shhhh

  3. My favourite post yet. Purely cos I just think of you and Sara having a masturbation session together. Seriously interesting post tho
